Аксессуары Leather GT2 Folding Bucket Seat

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Leather GT2 Folding Bucket Seat


Debuting in the 2008 911 GT2 and now available through Tequipment is the all-new folding Sport Bucket Seat. The seat shell is made from a lightweight combination of glass and carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (GRP/CFRP) with a carbon-fiber surface finish, and weighs 15-19 lbs. less than a conventional seat. Not only is the seat shell light weight, but the inherent strength of the GRP/CFRP construction also offers excellent occupant protection. An additional safety feature not commonly found on bucket seats is the driver and passenger integral thorax airbag. The seat surface is upholstered in full leather or fire retardant fabric, and offers a good balance of comfort and a high degree of lateral support. The seats are equipped with manual fore/aft adjustment, and the folding backrest makes access to the rear more convenient than with a fixed back bucket seat.

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